ossChirpManager for Niagara 4
LoRaWAN is an exciting new technology that enables large scale, secure wireless IoT infrastructure with an almost endless list of use cases. Chirpstack is the world’s most popular LoRaWAN server which sits at the centre of your deployment, with multiple gateways feeding into it, providing complete radio coverage to all of your sites where you may centrally register and manage many thousands of sensors/devices.
ossChirpManager enables quick and painless integration between a Chirpstack LoRaWAN deployment and a Niagara 4 system. It does this by means of hooking into the JSON integration feed from Chirpstack (either via Webhook API or MQTT) and automatically creates each sensor as a standard Niagara component, with slots exposed and datapoints ready to use just like anything else within the Niagara Framework.
Take the pain out of integrating LoRaWAN at scale into your Niagara environment with ossChirpManager!