Distech Controls ECx-400
The Distech Controls ECx series are I/O Extension modules for the ECB-600 & ECL-600 Series HVAC controllers.
These modules operate off of a separate sub-bus, giving the controller a total of up to 40 universal inputs and 36 universal outputs.
Protocol: BACnet® MS/TP LAN communication protocol
Product Description
This controller has various software configurable universal inputs and software configurable universal outputs, and covers all medium to large-size industry-standard HVAC applications. This series supports up to two ECx-400 Series I/ O extension modules that operate off of a separate sub-bus, giving this controller a total of up to 40 universal inputs and 36 universal outputs.
Certain models have the convenience of supervised Hand-Off-Auto (HOA) switches and potentiometers that provide feedback on an operator’s manual override of an output to the controller’s code. HOA switches are ideal for testing purposes or when performing equipment commissioning and maintenance.
BACnet B-AAC Programmable Controllers and I/O Extension Modules
These controllers meet the requirements of the following applications:
- Central plant
- Air handling units
- Boilers
- Multi-zone apartments
- Chillers
- Cooling towers
- Roof top units