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VeeaHub EDGE Computing Product Spotlight
Introducing the VeeaHub
VeeaHubs address the most important, challenging and ambitious target we have today in Net Zero by 2050. To achieve this at the required speed and scale we must radically rethink our approach. Niagara, LoRaWAN, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, integrated & installed in a day, remotely monitored and managed for life.
What is the technical configuration of VeeaHubs
VeeaHub family of Smart Computing Hubs is an advanced edge computing platform designed to be used either standalone or as part of a mesh network. VeeaHubs combine the functions of Wireless Routers, IoT Gateways and local servers into a single cloud-managed unit. The Veea Edge Platform operates on Veea’s array of indoor and outdoor VeeaHubs, changing the economics and efficiency of edge computing.
VeeaHubs feature server-class processing and mesh scalability, as well as the capability to run secure containerized applications, including Tridium’s Niagara Framework by providing faster and more effective decisions and actions than Cloud-based processing. VeeaHubs offers a revolutionary approach to edge computing. It offers low-latency, self-healing, and self-organising wireless and wired mesh network capabilities, allowing for locally distributed collection and processing of actionable data closer to the source of data.
VeeaHubs are a pervasively secure hardware and software platform, incorporating a methodical, layered approach from the lowest level binary software components, to an encrypted, contained application layer. We have redefined secure software application development with physical intrusion detection methods to protect customer data running on Veeahubs which is an industry-first design, backed by our intellectual property fostering a secure deployment for every building, connected endpoint and network.

How VeeaHubs differentiate from other BMS technologies
VeeaHub installations are a game-changer for BMS/BAS solutions in a number of ways:
- Ease of deployment – self-contained hardware encompassing server-class processing power with wired and wireless networks built in removes need for an electrical panel with multiple components facilitating rapid deployment with a lower skill base as configuration can be done securely and remotely. Built in IoT and LoRa Gateways, edge processing eliminates the need for additional networks, removing cost and installation time.
- Connecting with legacy systems, wired and wireless mesh connected end points, paving the way for retrofit to be key driver in achieving net zero and flexibility to achieve energy goals
- Secure remote management and configuration enable easily monitored devices, troubleshoot and fix remotely without on-site visits, and receive actionable data for service improvements saving resources
- Indoor and outdoor connectivity options provide flexibility to satisfy widest range of verticals
- Pioneering implementation of Tridium’s containerised portable Niagara Framework: faster operational speeds, less downtime and endless expansion options with applications
- Secure Docker implementation allows for other software to be run alongside Niagara such as LoRaWAN server, MQTT Brokers, Analytics packages, other 3rd party applications
- Future Proof with remote upgrade capability gives maximum opportunity to maintain software to current build and cybersecurity patch revision.
The Benefits to building owners, managers and integrators:
- Secure remote management and configuration saving resource time and cost for ongoing maintenance and providing a single pane of glass to manage, view and access deployments globally and end-point devices, gaining access to real time and historical data to make informed decisions on energy usage, occupant wellbeing and any use case drivers for the estate including ESG reporting.
- Downstream access to integrated systems with remote engineering access to those systems, allowing for continuous optimisation of the control strategy to drive energy savings adapting to the changing needs of the building.
- Installers can extend the reach of building sensors and actuators with and combination of wired and wireless connections throughout buildings
- Future proof infrastructure investment for end users allowing software to be upgraded/replaced with different brands and additional sensing capacity added retrospectively
- Server class power provides decreased latency, Real-time decision making and data processing
- Remote connectivity will slash the number of site attendance visits required to both install and maintain the system, optimising SI operations and customer costs whilst reducing carbon footprint.
- It’s wealth of wireless connectivity options make it perfect for retrofit environments saving install time and costs, can seamlessly integrate with a buildings legacy system via Niagara and enable extended functionality with future IoT wired and wireless systems.

Learn more about the Veea EDGE Platform and Use Cases using the button below. Also, if you want to discuss a project or get pricing on the VeeaHubs, get in touch using the form below and our fantastic team will get back to you as soon as possible.