Online Tridium Niagara 101 Training 1-day
Providing Niagara Beginners key knowledge before the TCP
Our new Tridium Niagara 4 101 Course is perfect for those looking to explore the fundamentals, or just beginning their Niagara Integration journey. Delivered by our own in-house Tridium certified trainers, we introduce the concepts of the Niagara Framework, and the significant role it can play in integration. You will complete this one day course with new insights on Integration protocols, the complete Niagara ecosystem including, Tridium hardware such as the JACE Controllers, Supervisors, Licensing and Cloud. Before learning about how the Niagara Framework can be built upon limitlessly, with IO modules, Drivers and Graphics.
As 4x BCIA Award-winners for Training, our goal is provide quality knowledge to community at every stage of the journey
Course Content
1 – What is Integration & the Niagara Framework
- Explanation the differences between early integration such as LON at a network level and how Niagara uses drivers at a controller level
- What is Niagara. Not simply a BMS but an integration platform but touch on BMS functionality at a basic level.
- Show the integration graphic with explanation
2 – Drivers
- What is a Niagara Driver
- Included Niagara Drivers
3- Protocols
- What is a Protocol
- Difference between open and closed (proprietary) protocols
- Commonly used protocols
- Brief overview of Modbus/Bacnet/MQTT
4 – JACE Controller Unboxing and features
- What is a JACE
- JACE 8000 & 9000 and overview of EDGE 10
- Expansion Modules
- IOR Modules
- Platform & Station
5 – Niagara Ecosystem (Controller, Supervisor, Cloud)
- Supervisor in the cloud as opposed to supervisor on prem
- Options for controller connections.
- Importance of secure connections when using PKI
6 – Licensing and SMA
- What is SMA
- Fixed license vs office demo license
- Point capacity license for controller & Supervisor
- Process for adding drivers
7 – Connecting to a JACE Controller
- Default settings
- Connection by ethernet
8 – Control Logic overview
- Overview of the palette & kitControl
- Using the components to create simple logic
9 – Supervisor & Graphics
- Overview of Workbench
- Navigation & Views
- Creating a simple graphic from logic points
10 – Driver Pack and API demo
- What is the OSS Driver Pack
- How can they be used with a quick overview
- Explanation of an API and example. TFL etc.
11 – Further Learning (N4 TCP, OneSightTV etc)
- Further learning options
- Learning path for Niagara
- OneSightTV overview
12 – ProTips
- Connection by shell
- Tools